Pumpkin King / Reaper Set

  • $35.00
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This download contains the Vector files and Printable's for the Pumpkin King live feed along with the alternate Scarecrow and Pumpkin Reaper and variants 


 This file has multiple file types that will work in virtually any design software.  These file types include AI, EPS, SVG, PDF, DXF, PNG, and Jpeg.   So whether you'r designing a layout to be cut from a Plotter,Cameo Silhouette, or Cricket, or in illustration for photoshop or tattooing.

These files are for personal use only. Files are to follow along with the video how-to for learning the techniques and process and is not for redistribution or resale.   All Rights Reserved to Scott MacKay/ Mackay Fine Art

Thank You 


 Some programs require you to import the file vs open the file


 YouTube Channel >  Airbrush Down and Dirty Tricks

 **This is a Digital Download not a Physical stencil***